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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Rocket construction in a team

Rocket construction in a team
Rocket construction in a team
Rocket construction in a team
Rocket construction in a team
Rocket construction in a team
Rocket construction in a team
Rocket construction in a team
Rocket construction in a team
Rocket construction in a team
Rocket construction in a team
Rocket construction in a team
Developing ideas together, being creative and fiddling about. Work in small teams to build rockets with water pressure propulsion that reach a height of up to 80 m.

Which rocket flies the highest?

The goal is to build the highest flying rocket of all teams and to integrate a reliable parachute system with which the rocket glides smoothly back to the event site. Bring your team to a common high altitude flight with this unique event. Only with promising ideas, a lot of skill and technical understanding you will bring your rocket into the air and back to earth undamaged.

Building rockets like the pros

Take off with your team, build rockets with water and air pressure propulsion in small groups with the help of our "NASA" specialists, which fly up to 80 m high. With a cleverly devised parachute system, they land in a controlled manner, provided that the teams have worked carefully and precisely.
With the material provided by us we start into the exciting team event with the goal to build the highest flying rocket. With scissors, pencil, ruler, cutter, adhesive foils and hot glue guns you build your own company rockets.

Flight to the moon and back

After the construction the teams present the rockets to each other and try to convince the other teams of your construction concept. The rockets are ready for the first flight into space. 50, 60 or even over 80 meters? The built-in altimeter is incorruptible, reliably shows the maximum altitude reached. The winning team is determined on the one hand by the rocket climbing height, creativity and presentation and is celebrated afterwards. If the parachute system is exactly installed, it opens and the rocket floats gently back to the event location. We celebrate the winning team and award them with a present.


Size of group

12 to 350 people


from 2 h


all year round


All of Switzerland


German, English

Costs [CHF]

excl. 8.1% VAT
up to 12 pers. 1,200.00  flat-rate
13 - 20 pers. 95.00  /pers.
21 - 50 pers. 80.00  /pers.
51 - 80 pers. 75.00  /pers.
81 - 100 pers. 70.00  /pers.
101 - 150 pers. 65.00  /pers.
151 - 200 pers. 62.00  /pers.
from 201 pers. on demand

Included in the price

-   Rocketry Workshop
-   Rocket launch with altimeter
-   including consumables
-   Building instructions
-   Instructors
-   Launch pad

Not included

-   Arrival and return journey
-   Event agency expenses
-   possible venue rental

Optional extras

-   BBQ or skewer grill

Customers' views on this offer

Janin Reust, synfluence GmbH


Gemäss meiner Kollegin, welche ja ebenfalls vor Ort war, hat der ganze Ablauf mit dem Raketenbau sehr gut geklappt.
Der Bau selber ging gut, wenn auch nicht ganz einfach aber dank Anleitung und Unterstützung hätte es super funktioniert.
Natürlich war der Abschuss der Raketen dann ein Highlight und hat das ganze Thema abgerundet. Der zeitliche Bedarf war gut kalkuliert und seitens des ganzen Teams, welches den zweitägigen Workshop besucht hatte, hat der Raketenbau sehr gefallen und es war ein gelungener Abschluss der Zeit in Kappel. Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung und das Engagement.

Nadja Huber, IT Branche


Raketenbau im Team bringt Spass, Spannung und gute Laune!
Die Organisation im Voraus lief super - Absprachen wurden perfekt umgesetzt.
Unsere Raketen bauten wir in kleinen Teams von 3 - 4 Personen und bewerteten diese nach Design, Präsentation und Werbespruch - natürlich zum Schluss nach Flugdauer. Super spannend und kreativ!

Selina Wong, Trivadis AG


Der Event hat sehr Spass gemacht, auch das Abendessen verlief super. Ich würde empfehlen, den Anlass in der dafür vorhergesehen Location durchzuführen.

Oliver Petermann


der anlass war genial und wir hatten viel spass mit roman zusammen ??

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